Updated to Sierra OS and now can't open Parallels 9

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by JenniferP1, Feb 23, 2018.

  1. JenniferP1

    JenniferP1 Bit poster

    Hello, I think I made a big mistake and updated to Sierra OS without even thinking about the impact on Parallels 9 which is run on Windows XP. It's a long story but I really don't even use my PC platform too often so I didn't think too clearly about it. So now of course I can't access Parallels 9 or any of my PC files. Should I attempt to uninstall Sierra and go back to my previous OS, am I completely screwed after making this mistake in terms of not having access to any of these files? Thanks so much for any thoughts!!
  2. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    Hi JenniferP1,
    You can purchase Parallels Desktop 13 and continue using the same virtual machine else you can downgrade macOS X then install Parallels Desktop 9 and use.
  3. JenniferP1

    JenniferP1 Bit poster

    Thanks so much for your reply! If I purchase Parallels Desktop 13 I will be able to access my former files from Parallels 9? I appreciate it! Jennifer
  4. JenniferP1

    JenniferP1 Bit poster

    Also, I currently have Windows XP so am guessing that XP and Parallels 13 aren't compatible? Thank you again!
  5. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    No, Parallels Desktop 13 and Windows XP are compatible.

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