Parallels Toolbox Expired, But ...

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox for Mac' started by DanC10, Dec 12, 2019.

  1. DanC10

    DanC10 Bit poster

    Got a message that Parallels toolbox expired. But, I have a permanent license, so this is a mistake. How do I get this resolved Support?

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    wizbang_fl likes this.
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, with a perpetual Parallels Desktop 15 license you get a three-month subscription for Parallels Toolbox for Mac and Windows, that is why it has been expired.
    please check this out for more info.
  3. wizbang_fl

    wizbang_fl Bit poster

    I got the same message as well, but my computer isn't eligible for a OSX Catalina so there is no reason to upgrade, but you can't extend the license either. It's all or nothing.
  4. Alex Patsay

    Alex Patsay Parallels Team

    It's possible to purchase a Toolbox license separately from Parallels Desktop after the permanent Parallels Desktop Toolbox bonus has expired
  5. EricR7

    EricR7 Bit poster

    I think the information on parallels website is legally dubious!

    • """"Parallels Toolbox for Mac is included as complimentary software with Parallels Desktop for Mac.

      To learn how to turn on Parallels Toolbox utilities from Parallels Desktop, see KB 123925.
    • You can also download a stand-alone copy of Parallels Toolbox at the Parallels website:""""
    That implies to me that it comes with a parallels desktop licence, period.
    Anyone care to disagree
    WilliamC7 likes this.
  6. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    According to the Bonus software policy with a perpetual Parallels Desktop for Mac license you get a three-month subscription for Parallels Toolbox for Mac and Windows.
    Unfortunately we cannot prolong your bonus Parallels Toolbox license that came with Parallels Desktop for Home.
    In order to continue using your Parallels Toolbox you need to purchase new Parallels Toolbox license.
    Please let us know if you have any questions.
  7. NigelJ2

    NigelJ2 Bit poster

  8. NigelJ2

    NigelJ2 Bit poster

    (Apologies for my blank previous post -- I'm not sure what happened there.)
    I think the problem is that it's very difficult to find this information on the Parallels product page.
    All I could find was the same information that EricR7 mentioned, i.e. that "Parallels Toolbox for Mac is included as complimentary software with Parallels Desktop for Mac."
    So I searched the Parallels website high and low to find out why my version of Toolbox had suddenly stopped working, but couldn't find the answer. In the end I found this thread by searching Google.
    For clarity, it really needs to be made clear on the individual product pages for the various Parallels product options, that unless you have a subscription-based Parallels product, you will only get a three-month subscription of Toolbox.
    WilliamC7 likes this.
  9. WilliamC7

    WilliamC7 Member

    I have to say that I agree with your assessment. Here is the problem, IMHO:
    (1) For several years, Parallels Toolbox was free with the purchase of a perpetual Parallels Desktop license. Then about a year ago, they took away that benefit and switched to a different model - now, you only get a 90-day trial of Parallels Toolbox with the purchase of a Parallels Desktop perpetual license. Ok, so they own the company and they are free to change their policy. However:

    (2) All of the old website pages/content (and even knowledge base articles) that talk about Parallels Toolbox being free with a Parallels Desktop purchase are STILL online - they didn't take the old content down. Yes, there are a couple of places on the website that mention the new policy (i.e. Toolbox is now only a 90-day free trial with Desktop); however, there are many, many more places on the website that reference the old policy. So, when you are trying to figure out what is what, it is difficult because your searches will mostly turn up results that reference the old policy, and it is unclear that the old policy no longer applies.

    (3) There are also many times (such as in the KB article that you referenced in your post) where they talk about Parallels Desktop in combination with Parallels Toolbox, but they don't discuss the licensing aspect at all, so these webpages don't help you to sort out the confusion.

    (4) In reference to them not taking down the old policy content, I'm sure they will say that it is because the old content still applies to folks that are running old versions of Parallels Desktop/Toolbox. Ok, I understand that point. However, that is not an excuse to not make an effort to try and make things as clear as possible for everyone. IMHO, they should revise the old content pages to make it very clear that those pages only apply to older versions of Parallels Desktop/Toolbox and that newer versions of Parallels Desktop/Toolbox only include a 90-day trial. Just by putting a couple of sentences in bold-type (maybe even with a frame around it) at the top of each of those old pages, they could save their customers a world of frustration.

    (5) In regard to KB articles, such as the one that you referenced, it might be helpful if they just included a simple statement, such as: "Parallels Toolbox licenses must be purchased separately from Parallels Desktop."

  10. WilliamC7

    WilliamC7 Member

    Now, after my reply to EricR7's post, I have just seen NigelJ2's post, and he pretty much already said what I just said - but, he said it more succinctly. :)
  11. PatrickS24

    PatrickS24 Bit poster

    This language on the website is incredibly misleading? Has anyone found a solution for this. It really does seem to ride the line of false advertising or fraud. How hard is it to offer users on version 15 Parallel Toolbox then update the website before the launch of Version 16?

    Am I asking too much here?
  12. YvanC1

    YvanC1 Bit poster

    Same here, expires after 4 months, wasn't clear at all when I bough parallels 15 that it was for a limited time only. 4 months later SURPRISE!
    Why does everyone have the same feeling that it came with the purchase of a permanent licence? Maybe time to rethink your policy.
  13. lensgrabber

    lensgrabber Bit poster

    Just noticed mine was expired after putting Parallels 15 on back in November. I really didn't expect Toolbox to expire before I upgraded to Parallels 16. The wording is very misleading. Given this I'll be looking at another product when it's time to upgrade. Toolbox wasn't used that much but it was enough to make me want to upgrade the main Parallels version every year. That will stop.
  14. PatrickS24

    PatrickS24 Bit poster

    @lensgrabber I do like the fact that it makes for an easy decision when I start getting e-mails to "upgrade" to version 16. The answer will be a simple 'no' , my dollar spend isn't much but I've had enough of these "cash-grab" games from big companies like this. They certainly made time to change the expiration date but couldn't be bothered to update their website. No thanks, might be time to look back at VMWare's offerings again.
  15. rexie

    rexie Junior Member

    I have just started using Parallels and I have not yet found a need to use the Toolbox at all. Is there any particular functionality that people are using?
    i ask this as I'm getting the renewal prompt as well but don't believe that I need it.
  16. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, did you download and install it? Please check this out for more information and let us know if you have any additional questions.
  17. rexie

    rexie Junior Member

    Can you please let me know how to get rid of the reminder about the Toolbox licence having expired?
  18. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    If you are not using Parallels Toolbox, you can quit it and uninstall it from the Mac.

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