Fedora 30

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by ShawnC4, May 7, 2019.

  1. ShawnC4

    ShawnC4 Member

    Like many others, I was having trouble with gdm hanging when booting the standard Gnome spin of Fedora 29 under Parallels. I thought I'd share here that I'm not seeing the gdm issue with Fedora 30. I did need to tweak the parallels tools install script to get the tools to install on the new Fedora version.

    Here's the process that I used to install Parallels tools on a clean install of Fedora 30. These steps assume the following prerequisites:
    • /Applications/Parallels Desktop/Contents/Resources/Tools/prl-tools-lin.iso is connected to the guest's CD/DVD drive.
    • The attached patch is saved to ~/prl-tools-f30-patch.txt. Note that this patch includes:
      • @GalaxyMaster's fix to make prl_fs/super.c build with Linux 5.x kernel headers.
      • My changes to installer/install-cli.sh to get the centos version in a more portable manner.
    # mkdir ~/prl-tools && cd ~/prl-tools
    # mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
    # cp -r /mnt/* .
    # chmod -R u+w .
    # tar -C kmods -xvf ./kmods/prl_mod.tar.gz
    # dnf install -y patch
    # patch -p0 < ~/prl-tools-f30-patch.txt
    # ./installer/install-cli.sh -i
    You'll get some errors about duplicate definitions in /usr/share/selinux/devel/include/contrib/container.if, which appear to be benign.

    Attached Files:

  2. pechar

    pechar Junior Member

    Thanks for this. I've been pulling my hair (or whatever is left of it) out all day yesterday! It is really shameful that Parallels don't supply up to date tools for anything that is not just Ubuntu. Would you care to explain what exactly this kernel issue is? Is Parallel Tools expecting older versions of the kernel or am I completely misunderstanding what causes the failure to install Parallel Tools?
  3. pechar

    pechar Junior Member

    I just tried the latest Ubuntu version and it fails for the same reasons! Unbelievable...
  4. ShawnC4

    ShawnC4 Member

    There are a couple of reasons for the failure:
    1. The parallels tools source code has (still!) not been updated to build with kernel v5.x. This problem affects any distro that uses the latest kernel, which includes Fedora 29, 30, Ubuntu 19, and many others. I included @GalaxyMasters patch to address this issue.
    2. The second issue, which I believe is unique to Fedora 30 - particularly to clean installations of Fedora 30 that need to run the parallel tools installer (as opposed to dkms rebuilding the modules after an upgrade) is in the way that the install-cli.sh script attempts to retrieve the centos/fedora version:
      [ "$(rpm -qf "$release_file" | sed -e "s/.*release-\([0-9]*\).*/\1/g")" -eq 5 ]
      This command returns an empty string on Fedora 30 because the name of the base OS package changed from "fedora-release" in f29 to "fedora-release-common" in f30. Because the output of the command is being used in a test that expects two arguments (-eq), the install script stops at this point on f30 before it completes installing the modules. My change to the installer script uses an rpm query format to get the package version instead of using sed, and so it works on both versions of Fedora.
    Mark Fine and pechar like this.
  5. pechar

    pechar Junior Member

    Thanks for the info. Really interesting to know why this is happening. Kudos
  6. ParaKitty

    ParaKitty Member

    Sweet! After spending over 12 hours wrestling with both Ubuntu and Fedora, I've finally got them straightened out!

    HUGE thanks to MichaelK41, Mark Fine, and ShawnC4!!!!!!! The combination of instructions provided by you three (and reading between the lines) worked perfectly!!! Ubuntu 19.04 and Fedora 30 are working perfectly now, AFAIK. Thanks!!!!
    pechar likes this.
  7. AndreL1

    AndreL1 Member

    Worked great!
  8. AlbertoP2

    AlbertoP2 Bit poster

    Thanks, guys, applied ShawnC4's solution in my F30 upgrade from F29 and it worked fine. User's support once more beats Parallel's one for Linux users.
    ShawnC4 likes this.
  9. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    Just to be clear: Provided the code changes in Parallels Tools are in place for F29 to make kernel 5.x work, a non-clean upgrade to f30 should not fail. Correct?
    I've been putting it off.
  10. ShawnC4

    ShawnC4 Member

    Correct. @(GalaxyMaster)'s patch to prl_fs.c is all that's needed for dkms rebuilds. My patch simply added a change to the parallel tools installer script, which will only matter if you run the parallels tool installer on f30 or later.
    Mark Fine likes this.
  11. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    Awesome.... Thanks. May still have to mod the script later when there's another kernel update, but we'll see.
    I normally copy the vm file to my backup disk before I do anything major like a Fedora version upgrade. Been burnt way too many times in the past: Go thru the long process of updating everything only to get a blank screen or a lockup in the end. lol
  12. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    Did the dnf upgrade to 30. All seemed great until I tried logging into Gnome, which seems to crash just before the screen switches. Might be a display resolution of xorg issue or selinux thing... going to play some more. Plasma and Cinnamon seemed to work fine - Plasma more so than Cinnamon, which partially failed the first time (likely a configuration file issue). All other minor ones (e.g., mate, openbox, etc.) seem to be ok.

    Bottom line: Up and running (mostly) on F30 on kernel 5.1.11-300.fc30 with only using the 5.x code changes performed when on F29.
  13. ShawnC4

    ShawnC4 Member

    You might try shutting down the guest and restarting before playing around too much. I've seen the display go dark on the first gnome login after a kernel update as well. I've also noticed that shared folders are not mounted after the first boot that follows a kernel update, fwiw.
    Good luck.
  14. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    Apparently the extensions were fubar (d'oh!). Renamed .local/share/gnome-shell/extensions to extensions.old and I'm back in business.
  15. AlejandroV1

    AlejandroV1 Bit poster

    I am running Fedora 30 on Parallels 13.3.2 (43368).
    When I try to install parallels tools, I am getting the error below on pvmnet build:

    A bit googling disclose the interface for ethertool_ops changed, dropping some deprecated interfaces ([gs]et_settings), overrides by [gs]et_link_ksettings: https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/10578933/

    Using linux kernel 5.0.9 on guest vm.

    Are there any patch for this or any update expected?

    Attached Files:

  16. AlejandroV1

    AlejandroV1 Bit poster

    Updates: I have modified the kernel modules so that now I can build parallel tools on Fedora 30 for linux kernel 5.0.9, but the video is not working, and I get this into the console:
    # xdriinfo
    libGL is too old

    Any idea about how to make this part of parallel tools working on Fedora 30?
    I am running Fedora 30 guest with linux kernel 5.0.9 on Parallel Desktop 13.3.2 (43368).
  17. AlejandroV1

    AlejandroV1 Bit poster

    I have seen my parallel tools support up to xorg 1.19, however Fedora 30 is using xorg 1.20.
    Are there any parallel tools updated for my parallels desktop version? I can not try to fix it by myself as the libraries provided are binaries instead of source code.
    Please any help on this Parallels.
  18. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    @AlejandroV1 Parallels 14.1.3 works on xorg 1.20.

    Also, updated kernel to 5.2.5 and those 5.x fixes for Tools seem to still be working (I always upgrade to a new minor version with some trepidation).
  19. SeanS8

    SeanS8 Bit poster

    This has now been fixed in update 15.1.1! Installed Parallels Tools without a hitch on Fedora 30 :)
    WilliamS16 likes this.
  20. SebastianN1

    SebastianN1 Bit poster

    Hey I have Parallels Tools Versions and Fedora 31 5.5.5-200.fc31.x86_64 but no matter how I try to install the Parallels Tools, it keeps failing. See parallels-tools-install.log.txt in attachment. How can I install Parallels Tools?

    Attached Files:

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