Fans go nuts! - Parallels 15, Windows 10, Catalina

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by ksignorini, Feb 18, 2020.

  1. ksignorini

    ksignorini Member

    I'm running Parallels Desktop 15 Pro with a Windows 10 guest on Catalina. For some reason, my fans (2015 15" MacBook Pro) spin up to full-blast as soon as the VM starts and any time a Windows program is running in the foreground. While not having focus, the fans still spin more than any other time, but maybe only about 50%.

    Activity Monitor doesn't show particularly high CPU for Parallels in most cases--in fact, right now, fans still spinning about 50%, it's at 0.1% CPU. As soon as I close Parallels, the fans stop. It also takes a LOT of Mac apps running on my MacBook any other time (in my testing) to make the fans spin anywhere near what they do with Parallels running.

    Thoughts? Is this a known problem? Any known solutions? I see lots of complaints but most have unreasonably high CPU usage.

    FYI: I'm using all parameters within the suggested values (2 out of 4 cores, 4 out of 16 GB RAM, etc.).

  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, did you check the CPU on the Windows side, is it OK?
  3. ksignorini

    ksignorini Member

    I did and after more tests realize it's probably not Parallels but symptomatic of other problems with this computer.
  4. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Thanks for the provided info, and please let us know if the issue reoccurs or you see any Parallels Desktop performance issue.
  5. HussainP

    HussainP Bit poster

    I'm running Parallels Desktop 15 Pro with a Windows 10 guest on Catalina. For some reason, my fans (2015 15" MacBook Pro) spin up to full-blast as soon as the VM starts and any time a Windows program is running in the foreground. While not having focus, the fans still spin more than any other time, but maybe only about 50%.

    Activity Monitor doesn't show particularly high CPU for Parallels in most cases--in fact, right now, fans still spinning about 50%, it's at 0.1% CPU. As soon as I close Parallels, the fans stop. It also takes a LOT of Mac apps running on my MacBook any other time (in my testing) to make the fans spin anywhere near what they do with Parallels running.

    Thoughts? Is this a known problem? Any known solutions? I see lots of complaints but most have unreasonably high CPU usage.

    FYI: I'm using all parameters within the suggested values (2 out of 4 cores, 8 out of 16 GB RAM, etc.).
  6. AlexS34

    AlexS34 Bit poster

    I have same problem. Fans running nuts with Windows 10 VM running and macbook pro is running pretty hot!
  7. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, did you check and try instructions from this KB article?

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