Virtual machine runs on new Mac - but cannot share files!

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by ChrisR10, Feb 20, 2018.

  1. ChrisR10

    ChrisR10 Member

    I recently upgraded from a 2011 i5 iMac to a 2011 i7 iMac with Fusion drive and bigger HD, copying my data using Time Machine. The (Snow Leopard Server) virtual machine runs fine on the new Mac, running apps, connecting to the internet, etc. However, I cannot get it to connect to the new Mac in order to share files.

    In the VM, the i7 is recognised in Finder under SHARED as "Apple Core i7 Fusion Mac", but says 'Not connected'. When I try to connect, it throws up a window with my name followed by "SLS" and asks for a password. I have no idea what this is. My user account password on the host? Doesn't work. System Preferences / Sharing in the VM says my VM can be accessed as "slsmac.local" (which I vaguely remember calling it) but there's nowhere on the host's Sharing where I can enter this.

    Meantime, the VM throws up a frequent error message telling me that "Core i5 iMac" (my old computer) is not available and can't be connected. What do I have to do to have the VM connect to the host, which it obviously recognises but can't connect to?

    (OS notes - I'm running Mavericks 10.9.5 on the i7, and Parallels Desktop 10.4)
  2. ChrisR10

    ChrisR10 Member

    56 views. No replies. What's the level of competence here? Would I be better off going to the Apple Forums about this, even though it's not their problem?
  3. ChrisR10

    ChrisR10 Member

    Someone from Parallels - please have the courtesy to come here and respond to my issue, or I will complain to your Head Office. This is now becoming appalling behaviour on your part.
  4. Dmitry@Parallels

    Dmitry@Parallels Parallels Team

    Chris, please reproduce this scenario, and once you see this pop-up asking for password please go to Help menu > Send Technical Data...
    Please post the report ID here.
  5. ChrisR10

    ChrisR10 Member

    I've now ascertained what this is (I had long enough to experiment and find out). It's asking for my password to the whole computer (there isn't one). So I input a single username plus that account's password, and the client can access that user, i.e. see the folders and share the data. However, on my old computer it gave me access to the entire computer not just a single user.

    Once in while I get the "Core i5 not available" message, but not consistently like it did at first.

    I thought I would send you the requested Technical Data anyway, but that option is not in the Help menu:
    Screen Shot 2018-03-01 at 11.49.02.png
  6. Dmitry@Parallels

    Dmitry@Parallels Parallels Team

    Yes, my bad, in Parallels Desktop 10 this option is named 'Report a Problem...'.
    ChrisR10 likes this.
  7. ChrisR10

    ChrisR10 Member

    I've tried, I really have. I got as far as submitting a long request, but the final window will not accept my Support Code. I know that it is correct as I copied and pasted it from my account page.
  8. ChrisR10

    ChrisR10 Member

    Gone quiet again. :( This is the whole problem I was complaining of.
  9. Dmitry@Parallels

    Dmitry@Parallels Parallels Team

    Chris, I think you're trying to create a support request, but your Parallels Desktop version is too old and reached End-of-Life quite some time ago.. That's why your support code is not accepted. What I need is a technical report from your Mac, which should be generated via 'Report a problem...' option. Once you click on it, the following window should appear (see attach) > click 'Send Report' on this window > once you get the ID please post it here.

    Attached Files:

    • pr3.png
      File size:
      56.6 KB
  10. ChrisR10

    ChrisR10 Member

    The report ID is 245654998

    (Would you let your tech team know that there is something amiss with the Report A Problem box : I cannot type in there and have my abbreviations expand (ii cn type in tr aa h my abbrs expand) - as I am disabled I am dependent on my text expander. Can you ask the team to amend the software so that text expanders continue to function please? I can understand this limitation for password fields, but not when you're being asked to type a possibly lengthy report.)
  11. Dmitry@Parallels

    Dmitry@Parallels Parallels Team

    Hi Chris, thank you for the report. Please reinstall Parallels Tools in Snow Leopard VM via Actions menu > Reinstall Parallels Tools. Please let me know the results.

    Regarding the feedback with text expander, reported to Engineering, thank you.
  12. ChrisR10

    ChrisR10 Member

    No good. The first thing it did after Reinstalling / Restart was - after logging me automatically into the only user account there - to ask me for the password for the host. There is no password for the host machine, only for individual users. Why is it doing this? When I first installed the VM on the i5 Mac, I could connect to the entire host machine, not just individual users one at a time.

    So in the meantime I've connected the VM to my main user account on the host.

    At some time it may give the error message about not finding the Core i5 iMac, but that had become occasional only, so I'm not holding my breath on that.
  13. ChrisR10

    ChrisR10 Member

    And your reply to this is.... ? (Why do I ALWAYS have to nudge for a reply??? :( )
  14. Dmitry@Parallels

    Dmitry@Parallels Parallels Team

    Chris, sorry for the delay. Looks like there's no much we can do for now, I have reported this issue to Engineering, but your setup and Parallels Desktop version is pretty obsolete (10.6.8, there will be no Parallels Desktop 10 updates for sure..

    So when you enter credentials for existing Mac account, you can't see folders apart from that user's ones?
  15. ChrisR10

    ChrisR10 Member

    Correct (I am sure I didn't have to enter any credentials on the old Mac, or if I did, it gave me access to the whole host).

    My setup is NOT 10.6.8 - that is the VM I am running (precisely because it's obsolete it manages to run old software, e.g. Journler, that I rely on; that's the whole reason I bought Parallels in the first place.). My host setup is not 10.6.8, it's 10.9.5, which is itself only "obsolete" because of Apple's ridiculous habit of releasing a new Mac OS every year. 10.9.5 is in fact barely older than the current Windows 10 version.

    As for Parallels needing an update, that is not the issue as you should know if you've followed this topic properly - the EXACT same version of Parallels running in the EXACT same version of OS X on my previous iMac of EXACTLY the same age, did not cause the issue I'm reporting here. THAT is the problem you need to resolve, rather than diverting my attention with irrelevancies about updates that don't relate to the problem itself.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2018
  16. ChrisR10

    ChrisR10 Member

    ANOTHER nag to reply. Why do I have to remind you EVERY DAMN TIME? It's infuriating - it makes me think you just don't care.
  17. Dmitry@Parallels

    Dmitry@Parallels Parallels Team

    Chris, wil all respect, I will be straight with you. Parallels will not invest more resources to this investigation. Your Parallels Desktop version has reached end-of-life statement. If you want assistance from Parallels Support, you need to either purchase a per-incident support package, or upgrade to the last version - Parallels Desktop 13 for Mac. I can't help you via Forum. You say that the same setup was working okay on your previous setup - meaning that Parallels Desktop 10 is likely working fine. Analyzing tech data from your report does not reveal and errors in virtual machine emulation and Shared Profile, everything is working as expected what's related to virtualization and our product features.

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