no sound on remote computer when connect from iphone to win7

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for iOS' started by lindenskoug, Sep 5, 2012.

  1. lindenskoug

    lindenskoug Guest

    I get no sound on remote computer when connecting from iphone/ipad to win7 via rdp.
    Win7 says something like "no sound card installed" when for example I try to modify volume on the remote computer. The speaker icon is greyed out.

    I dont have this problem when connection from another win machine using windows standard remote desktop client.

    For your information, if I enable Sound in settings "Local Resources" the sound is transferred to my iphone fine.

    What to do?

    Is this a 2X bug?
    When using microsoft windows standard remote desktop client you got 3 options for sound (remote, local and no sound). Maybe the 2 other options need to be implemented in 2X client?

    thanks in advance
  2. woqz

    woqz Hunter

    Re: no sound on remote computer when connect from iphone to

    the sound setting is to choose whether to have the sound turned on or off.

    if it works with the sound on under local resources, it is working correctly.
  3. lindenskoug

    lindenskoug Guest

    Re: no sound on remote computer when connect from iphone to

    I have tried the 2 settings in 2X client already, but still no sound on remote computer (one setting works fine and brings the sound to Iphone, but I can't get the sound on the remote computer that I'm connecting to).
  4. woqz

    woqz Hunter

    Re: no sound on remote computer when connect from iphone to

    do you mean sound gets redirected to your phone, but you still want it to come out of your PC as well?

    If the sound is redirected, it should only come out on the device it is being redirected to.
  5. FlaviaWhex

    FlaviaWhex Bit poster

    Ipad Networkdomain error2

    IOS6 with IPAD2: I have switched all location services to "ON", but still the error-messgae appears assetLibrarynoAccessMessageiOS5.
    What can I do?
  6. jpc

    jpc Pro

    Re: Ipad Networkdomain error2

    Can you please open a separate post and include more information on how you encounter the issue?

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