MacOS guest slow

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by DavidW28, Jan 14, 2018.

  1. DavidW28

    DavidW28 Junior Member

    I just installed a MacOS high Sierra guest on a MacOS high Sierra host on Parallels 13. Parallels tools in place and everything works. The host is a Mac Pro with 6 cores and 16Gb RAM. But why is the guest so slow? I've tried everything. I checked all processe in both host and guest, nothing strange, I assigned unlimited resources, 4 processors, 8Gb RAM and rebooted but it changes nothing. Watching a movie (a locally stored avi file) is very painful but only 34% guest CPU is used. I resently had an Ubuntu guest in Parallels 12 and it was fine. What more can I do? If it can't be faster Parallels is no use and I'd like my money back. However, it has worked in earlier releases.
  2. DavidW28

    DavidW28 Junior Member

    Downgraded to Parallels 12 and a Sierra guest. Better, but still too slow to use. Anyone?
  3. DavidW28

    DavidW28 Junior Member

    I installed a Win 10 guest and it works perfectly. Why doesn't MacOS guests work?
  4. rlsx

    rlsx Junior Member

    It seems Parallels' top priority is Windows guest (sells the product!)
    Other uses seem to be an afterthought...
  5. DavidW28

    DavidW28 Junior Member

    I guess you're right. Such a shame, I'd rather run a virtual MacOs guest instead of windows for my needs.
  6. Arun@Parallels

    Arun@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi @DavidW28 , please follow the steps suggested in the article and check if that helps.
  7. DavidW28

    DavidW28 Junior Member

    Hi, I'm sorry, nothing helps.
    • Underpowered hardware - I have a Mac pro 3.7Ghz, 4 cores, 16b RAM (4x4) and 500Gb SSD. No performance issues at all.
    • Using an outdated Parallels Desktop version or build. - Latest OS and latest Parallels. Even tried to downgrade, same problem .
    • Too many resources assigned to the virtual machine. - I have tried different settings, low resources and high resources. Same result.
    • Multiple anti-virus programs installed - No anti-virus installed.
    • Malware (virus) presence in operating system. - No detectable virus
    • Too many or conflicting startup items. - 3 non-conflict startup items, tried wirg only one as well, no difference.
    • Too many virtual machines are running. - Only one virtual machine running.
    My very active Windows 10 works just fine though. Have tried Ubuntu and it works fine as well.
    Seems like there are several users having the same problem, no solution in place. Maybe it is time for a developer to dig deep into this issue.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2018
  8. DavidW28

    DavidW28 Junior Member

    Now it suddenly works. Could have been the latest patch to Parallels 13. Still OS Sierra. Will see how it works after upgrading to High Sierra.
  9. Arun@Parallels

    Arun@Parallels Parallels Support

  10. DavidW28

    DavidW28 Junior Member

    I have uppgraded to High Sierra and it works fine for my needs. It streams movies without lagging and act as a VLC server perfectly.

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