macOS 10.13 high Sierra Support

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by HeikoG1, Jun 6, 2017.

  1. Shathish@Parallels

    Shathish@Parallels Pro

    Hello @MaryH1 Sure, Thank you for your update. Keep us posted.
    MaryH1 likes this.
  2. Killerbob

    Killerbob Member

    Another user with problems; High Sierra Beta 6 (17A344b), Parallels Desktop 12.2.1 (46615), and a Windows 10 (1703) installation on a BootCamp partition. All is working when I enter Windows 10 from BootCamp, but I still cannot start up the Parallels virtual machine (as told on Aug. 12 we'd be able to)...

    I know it is Beta, and I know these things take time, just looking for information...
  3. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    We request you to share an error screenshot with us. If possible create a problem report id, so that we can share it with the development team for analysis.
  4. EvanR

    EvanR Bit poster

    I am unable to boot my Boot Camp (also no "use from Boot Camp" option when setting up a new VM) with Parallels 13 and High Sierra Beta 7. The error is with boot camp hard drive configuration. I see the EFI partition mount for a second before the error is oresented.

    I thought the idea of 13 was that it was supposed to be High Sierra compatible? Is there an ETA on this being properly implemented? High Sierra should be GM in the next month. I'm assuming it has something to do with the APFS filesystem changes.
  5. Killerbob

    Killerbob Member

    That is exactly the same here.

    I "upgraded" to PD13 and still cannot start my bootcamp Windows 10 VM. I also cannot create a new VM, as "use from Boot Camp" is not even an option when creating a new VM, using file/new.

    When I try and start my existing VM, the following happens;

    1) I start Windows 10 VM (it's on my BootCamp partition and worked fine prior to macOS 10.13.)
    2) Error message "The specific file cannot be used as a virtual hard disk", and a boot screen in the background, "Boot Failed" "PXE.DHCP timeout", and then out to a Shell> prompt.

    All I can do is stop the VM.
  6. Killerbob

    Killerbob Member

    Anyone looking at this?
  7. MikhailT1

    MikhailT1 Member

    If you're on macOS 10.13 betas, I would not recommend updating to Parallels Desktop 13, it just crashes right off the bat whereas PD12 worked fine. I've filed the reports with Parallels but they gave their usual "we will fix it once macOS 10.13 is officially released first" type of message.

    If you did update, you can fall back to PD12.
  8. Killerbob

    Killerbob Member

    Since starting the whole macOS beta 10.13 my Bootcamp VM has not worked. Parallels have thought they have fixed it, but alas. It scares me a bit that DP13 is now released and they still cannot use Bootcamp for a VM. This is cutting it close. I am not complaining, just wondering when Parallels gets this fixed. In the meanwhile my subscription has expired and I am really thinking if I should continue it...
  9. Killerbob

    Killerbob Member

    Come on guys - can someone please help us out with this?
  10. MikhailT1

    MikhailT1 Member

    Why are you bumping the thread, it hasn't been that long and you are using a beta version of macOS. Parallels rightfully is not going to prioritize macOS 10.13 bugs over other problems that occurs with stable macOS versions. Regardless of what they promised or said, you're still using an unstable version where even if they fix something, it can and will be broken in the next beta update of macOS. They did not say bootcamp VMs are supported, they did say this on August 14th:

    > As High Sierra is not released officially it is not supported by us and you cannot use Bootcamp based virtual machine on it. You can create a problem report and share it with us which can be shared with our development team for analysis.

    Either you are patient or downgrade to macOS stable version and see if the problem is there or switch to a different product.
  11. Killerbob

    Killerbob Member

    I am bumping it because as you see in other threads it is NOT only macOS 10.13 that is having problems with BootCamp installations in DP13... It seems that it is indeed a DP13 issue.
  12. Killerbob

    Killerbob Member

    Even with the latest version of PD13 (13.0.1 (42947)), installed in macOS 10.13 Beta 8 (17A358a) BootCamp is not working as a source. A) you cannot create a new VM using the BootCamp, and B) you cannot tun an existing VM off the BootCamp.

    BootCamp is not even an option when trying to create a new VM, and even using the "manual" way of creating a VM from a BootCamp, the BootCamp is not recognised by PD. And, when trying to run an existing VM off BootCamp (which was working in macOS 10.12), you get the following error; "Unable to connect to Hard Disk 1. A file or device required for the operation of Hard Disk 1 does not exist." In the background boot is failing.
  13. Killerbob

    Killerbob Member

    Have you guys not got a beta test we can try out, to see if there is any light at the end of the tunnel?
  14. trebuin

    trebuin Member

    Thanks from all of us. The APFS being forced is hitting a lot of us & given how unstable Apple's beta MacOS software is, it is hard to see the impact. The only real rapid solution would be reverting back to HFS, but I don't know how to do that. Given that I had Bootcamp installed & have 13, this is not affecting me, but I hope that it is able to be resolved.
  15. trebuin

    trebuin Member

    Another thought: a temporary upgrade with applicable features for version 13, but packaged as a newer version of 12. It'd need to be deregistered for a 15-30 day fix period, if it expires, simply release yet another one as a newer version of 12. Once the fix is ready, release the final as 12.5 or something like that to go back into permanent activation. I hope that idea helps.
  16. trebuin

    trebuin Member

  17. Killerbob

    Killerbob Member

    It would be nice now that macOS 10.13 is out, after a LONG testing periode, that Parallels also was out with an update so we who foolessly have bought into ver. 13 - being promised a solution - had a functioning VM.

    I have been yelling at the rooftops, but obviously to deaf ears. IT STILL DOESN'T WORK!

    I had a fully functioning VM based on my BootCamp Win10. However, as soon as the beta testing started that VM failed. I was promised that by upgrading to ver. 13, it would work, I did, but it is still not working.

    I cannot start my VM, getting a list of errors. The Win10 works fine when I run it in BootCamp, but not when I try and run the VM from Parallels ver. 13. I have desired what happens, but no-one cares....

    1) I start Windows 10 VM (it's on my BootCamp partition and worked fine prior to macOS 10.13.)
    2) Error message "The specific file cannot be used as a virtual hard disk", and a boot screen in the background, "Boot Failed" "PXE.DHCP timeout", and then out to a Shell> prompt.

    All I can do is stop the VM.
  18. ReneK2

    ReneK2 Bit poster

    I have problems with V13 since I updated to Hig Sierra, when I try to open parallels, it starts load and then nothing happens, it freezes and I can't do nothing, I need to force the app to quite every time I try to open it. any suggestions about this?
  19. MortyS

    MortyS Bit poster

    can anyone please guide me if i download from getintopc is it going to work fine ? have anyone tested, in fact i don't want to waste my bandwidth, if there's proper guide or anyone can confirm please.
    really thanks
    waiting for kind reply.
  20. BlairC1

    BlairC1 Bit poster

    This needs fixing fast. Just upgraded to Parallels 13 so it will work with High Sierra and now I cannot start up my Win10 bootcamp in VM. VERY annoying. This will need to be fixed fast or I will request my money back and give VMWare a shot.

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