Packer build of "guest_os_type": "other" box failed

Discussion in 'Parallels Provider for Vagrant' started by Pristavkin, Jun 30, 2018.

  1. Pristavkin

    Pristavkin Bit poster

    Hi there,

    I've trying to build mikrotik vagrant box using packer and build fails when "guest_os_type" set to "other". If gust_os_type set, for example, to centos all builds fine.
    Is there a way to correctly build boxes with "other" os_type?
    ± % cat mikrotik-6.42.5-iso.json
    "builders": [
    "type": "parallels-iso",
    "vm_name": "RouterOS-6.42.5",
    "guest_os_type": "other",
    "disk_size": "256",
    "disk_type": "expand",
    "prlctl": [
    ["set", "{{.Name}}", "--cpus", "1"],
    ["set", "{{.Name}}", "--memsize", "128"]
    "iso_url": "",
    "iso_checksum": "4de780934da1429f8575cde20b8c6924",
    "iso_checksum_type": "md5",
    "boot_command": [
    "/ip dhcp-client add disabled=no interface=ether1<enter><wait>",
    "/user add name=vagrant password=vagrant group=full<enter>"
    "parallels_tools_flavor": "other",
    "parallels_tools_mode": "disable",
    "ssh_username": "admin",
    "ssh_password": "",
    "ssh_wait_timeout": "80s",
    "shutdown_command": "execute \"/system shutdown\""

    builduser@Vision ~/Projects/vagrant-mikrotik/packer [master *]
    ± % prlctl --version
    prlctl version 13.3.2 (43368)

    builduser@Vision ~/Projects/vagrant-mikrotik/packer [master *]
    ± % vagrant -v
    Vagrant 2.1.2

    builduser@Vision ~/Projects/vagrant-mikrotik/packer [master *]
    ± % packer -v

    builduser@Vision ~/Projects/vagrant-mikrotik/packer [master *]
    ± % packer build mikrotik-6.42.5-iso.json
    parallels-iso output will be in this color.

    ==> parallels-iso: Downloading or copying ISO
    parallels-iso: Found already downloaded, initial checksum matched, no download needed:
    ==> parallels-iso: Creating virtual machine...
    ==> parallels-iso: Applying default settings...
    ==> parallels-iso: Creating hard drive...
    ==> parallels-iso: Error creating hard drive: prlctl error: Failed to configure the virtual machine.
    ==> parallels-iso: Unregistering virtual machine...
    ==> parallels-iso: Deleting output directory...
    Build 'parallels-iso' errored: Error creating hard drive: prlctl error: Failed to configure the virtual machine.

    ==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors:
    --> parallels-iso: Error creating hard drive: prlctl error: Failed to configure the virtual machine.

    ==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created.

    builduser@Vision ~/Projects/vagrant-mikrotik/packer [master *]
    ± % sed -i .tmp 's/"guest_os_type": "other"/"guest_os_type": "centos"/' mikrotik-6.42.5-iso.json

    builduser@Vision ~/Projects/vagrant-mikrotik/packer [master *]
    ± % packer build mikrotik-6.42.5-iso.json
    parallels-iso output will be in this color.

    ==> parallels-iso: Downloading or copying ISO
    parallels-iso: Found already downloaded, initial checksum matched, no download needed:
    ==> parallels-iso: Creating virtual machine...
    ==> parallels-iso: Applying default settings...
    ==> parallels-iso: Creating hard drive...
    ==> parallels-iso: Setting the boot order...
    ==> parallels-iso: Attaching ISO to the default CD/DVD ROM device...
    ==> parallels-iso: Executing custom prlctl commands...
    parallels-iso: Executing: prlctl set RouterOS-6.42.5 --cpus 1
    parallels-iso: Executing: prlctl set RouterOS-6.42.5 --memsize 128
    ==> parallels-iso: Starting the virtual machine...
    ==> parallels-iso: Waiting 10s for boot...
    ==> parallels-iso: Host IP for the Parallels machine:
    ==> parallels-iso: Typing the boot command...
    ==> parallels-iso: Waiting for SSH to become available...
    ==> parallels-iso: Connected to SSH!
    ==> parallels-iso: Uploading Parallels version info (13.3.2)
    ==> parallels-iso: Gracefully halting virtual machine...
    ==> parallels-iso: Compacting the disk image
    ==> parallels-iso: Unregistering virtual machine...
    Build 'parallels-iso' finished.

    ==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
    --> parallels-iso: VM files in directory: /Users/builduser/Projects/vagrant-mikrotik/packer/output-parallels-iso

    builduser@Vision ~/Projects/vagrant-mikrotik/packer [master *]
    ± %

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