Can't get out of fullscreen mode (Linux)

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Linux' started by RaiC, Nov 24, 2017.

  1. RaiC

    RaiC Bit poster

    Running the latest Linux client (dl'd today) and working fine but can't get out of fullscreen mode to get back to my local desktop. Found a reference that said Win+Alt+M should do it but it doesn't. Local system is Lubuntu 16.04, remote system is Win7... both are 64-bit.

    Thanks for any help, Rai
  2. jpc

    jpc Pro

    The shortcut you found is correct. Unfortunately, it seems to (Edit: "only") work for published desktops (via RAS).
    If you just want to disconnect from the session, you should be able to do that from within Win7 itself.
    Otherwise, you attempt to change the setting under "Connection Properties" -> "Local Resources" -> "Keyboard" to "On the local computer" so that system shortcuts like "Alt+Tab" will work on the local Lubuntu instead of on the remote Win7 computer.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2017
  3. RaiC

    RaiC Bit poster

    Thanks for the reply. As you say, I can disconnect from the session to get back to my desktop but that's not very convenient when I just want to check something locally before going back to the remote system. Setting the keyboard to local is a kind of workaround but I'd prefer to be able to use Alt-Tab on the remote system.

    Was there a typo in your second sentence? I'm not sure I understand, "Unfortunately, it seems to work for published desktops (via RAS)." I don't use RAS, so I'm guessing you may have a missed an "only" (as in, "Unfortunately, it only seems to work for published desktops (via RAS)." ... hence implying that it doesn't work when connecting directly to a Windows client. If that's the case, I'm surprised no one has raised this as an issue.
  4. jpc

    jpc Pro

    @RaiC Indeed, I missed to add the word "only" in there (fixed now). I tested this out for a desktop connection and that is the behaviour I got. I agree it is weird that it does not work in this scenario, but I never noticed this because normally either the desktop is published via RAS or I just disconnect from the session.
    Hopefully, somebody sees this mentioned here and it gets fixed. :)
  5. ricdgr

    ricdgr Member

    I don't understand how 2X, now Parallels, keeps this stuff like this for years without a fix...
    I assume they use their own product, so I wonder why this does not bother them.

    Why don't they do like every other competing product, from Citrix, VMware even opensource Remmina, do:
    - When in Fullscreen, show a top bar with a button to leave fullscreen and;
    - When leaving Fullscreen, resize the remote session to match the local Window size and;
    - Allow user to resize the window locally to any size they want (it is plain stupid to required an admin to publish multiple remote desktops from the same server for every possible Window size a user may want to use).

    It's not like Parallels develops it's own remote desktop protocol or something ultra technical that justifies the price of RAS. People pay for RAS to have some value add to plain Windows Server RDP functionality towards Client support and manageability; they do not pay to have a worse experience than a free Open Source client provides.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2018
  6. ricdgr

    ricdgr Member

    Parallels, you should have a look at how the "Remmina" client works.
    The "Dynamic Resolution Update" resizes the desktop on the fly. It doesn't even have to reconnect. It just resizes the desktop to fit the window. User can set whatever size he needs. Want to have a local application side-by-side with a remote desktop? it can. Wants to resize it to full screen? Also possible. Want to leave fullscreen back to Window again. Also flawless.
    Click "Full Screen" and Desktop goes fullscreen. Go to the top, and you will see a bar that has a button to exit fullscreen. Click it and you are at Window mode.

    Cost of Remmina => Free.
    Cost of Parallels => +100$ users/year

    Experience of Remmina incomparably better than Parallels Client.

    You get the point.
  7. AnthonyV7

    AnthonyV7 Bit poster

    Same type of issues here, I don't understand how such basic features are omitted even in 2023. Not to mention how multimonitor support is being implemented (non main monitor does not autoadjust screen resolution when you move the parallels window there). In any case, is there a linxu remote desktop client that can connect to a parallels gateway? Or any way to access my parallels remote desktop with a 3rd party client?

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